Why did you decide to study Software Engineering?
So, I’ve just started the Software Engineering course with Flatiron School, and I have some pretty high hopes for the future. The primary goal of this is, of course, to make an entry into the software development field; however, my personal expectations are to further my understanding of programming and, likely more importantly, to acquire/hone the skills necessary to market myself in the field. All that said — how did I get here, and why am I pursuing this path?
I have to be honest, since leaving high school, I haven’t really had much of a plan for where I was going with my life. I worked several food service jobs the years after graduating before taking a position at BNY Mellon, that was largely due to luck, all while on-and-off taking courses at CCAC. After several years at BNYM, I began to realize that I was not happy with where I was at, and that I would need to make some changes to go down a path I would find more fulfilling.
So, at 26 years old, with not exactly the best educational record, where do you turn to find a new path forward? Fortunately, I knew where my interests were — computers and technology, and it just so happened that my cousin was working on starting up a security company, setting up camera and alarm systems. Over the next year and a half I learned quite a lot about networking, both the physical and virtual sides of it, discovered my first online computer science course and, when we were no longer able to sustain the business, I had a strong foundation with which to move forward. Yet I still did not have a definite direction.
At this point, I started looking at options. What would be the fastest way to get into IT with not much in terms of a background in the field or formal education? I started studying for certifications while applying out for help desk and entry level networking positions. I completed the Network+ and Security+ certifications, but realized that I had passed up the area of study that had most interested me — programming in the computer science course.
Now, after several months of studying, I know that I’ve found a direction — something that truly interests me and that I want to move forward with. I thoroughly enjoy the challenges each project I’ve worked on has brought up, and completing them is very fulfilling. That said, self study does not seem to be enough to get into this field. Taking the Software Engineering course at Flatiron School is the solution — a structured course studying a field of my interests, that not only prepares you for the day-to-day work of software development, but builds a portfolio and prepares you to interview for that key first job.
So, why have I decided to study Software Engineering? Because it interests me, and I find it fulfilling. Hopefully I’ll be back here in a few months with some good news.